PC advice (5 Viewers)


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Jan 1, 2017
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Since I've fried my motherboard on the iRacing Daytona 24 I've been looking for a student job to fund my new PC. I have found work, so now I'm looking into new PCs. Got a few questions, the noob I am ;)
  • Is it worth spending the money on a i7 compared to an i5?
  • GPU 970 / 980 / 1070 / 1080 or any other?
  • Any other specifications I need to worry about?
Suggestions / links to pcs are welcome
Thanks in advance ;)
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Sep 17, 2016
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What monitor do you have? It's resolution?
For 1080p gaming is enough GTX 1070 (don't go for older GPU's like 970/980), and many will tell you that i5 is enough, but I would go for i7 or maybe you want to wait for AMD's Ryzen who will crush most likely prices down.

MBO is also important for PC configuration, so don't buy any cheap one. I, for example, have Asus Maximus VIII Ranger (for Intel i7) and is rock solid.

In ideal world I woud buy i7/1080 :)
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Senior Member
Jan 1, 2017
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What monitor do you have? It's resolution?
For 1080p gaming is enough GTX 1070 (don't go for older GPU's like 970/980), and many will tell you that i5 is enough, but I would go for i7 or maybe you want to wait for AMD's Ryzen who will crush most likely prices down.

MBO is also important for PC configuration, so don't buy any cheap one. I, for example, have Asus Maximus VIII Ranger (for Intel i7) and is rock solid.

In ideal world I woud buy i7/1080 :)

Currently rocking a single screen (27 inch, 1920x1080, 16:9). Eventually I want to look into Triples since streaming is something I would love to do.
I'll make sure the MBO can take a hit, I fried my laptop's one after the Daytona finish :D

Guess the price will be above the 1300 in total quite quickly


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Sep 16, 2016
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Start pricing out a build around the following.

CPU i5-7600K
GPU 1070 GTX
256GB SSD Or 512GB SSD

This will be a good mid-high end spec, you will pay quite a price hike for a i7-7700K / 1080 GTX so it's all diminishing returns vs outlay.

Look at how that's coming out on price and you can adjust up or down to fit the budget


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2017
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Checking those specs, prices are a bit more realistic if I want to rejoin racing in the summer ;) that's the aim for me so I can get going on VLN and the leftover Special Events.
Also means I'll be joining pCars to cause mayhem there :jimlad:


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Sep 16, 2016
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iRacing in it's current state isn't anywhere as power hungry as pCars.

My 4690K @ 4.5Ghz with a 1080 GTX handles VR @ max in that game with a constant 90FPS (capped) in all but the start/pits.

There is even head room to over-project the mirror display to 2926x2289 to allow me to publish a cropped version which looks correct in 1080p to twitch.

So for iRacing you will be fine.

Seems common that people are running the 7600k @ 4.8Ghz, here in the UK can you buy them in a pre-overclocked bundle @ 4.8Ghz


Now, pCars is a different story, I've had to dial a few settings down from ultra to high to run that in VR, I would guess that if your running that just as 1080p you will be fine at very high settings.
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Sep 17, 2016
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Sep 16, 2016
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I'm actually going to downsize my case this week From a Corsair 700D (which is a mammoth case) which used to have a water cooling loop in it, To a Fractal Design C case. I don't need the water cooling really these days as I find that my Noctura NHD14 does a Stella job of cooling the 4690K as is.

The Define C is getting some really good reviews in the press/youtube for being a well designed case with good support for cooling and in a minimal footprint.

I'll take a picture later in the week when I get it ordered/arrives so you can see a side by side of them :)

Define C below (they do a windowed version if you feel the need to show the internals) I'm an engineer at heart so it's all about function over form here.

Oh here is the current beast, honestly it's pure overkill, the motherboard looks like a penny rattling around in a can.


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Aug 31, 2016
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If possible grab the 1080ti. It's been confirmed all we need to wait is for prices.


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Sep 16, 2016
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If possible grab the 1080ti. It's been confirmed all we need to wait is for prices.

It's all depends on budget, I imagine they won't be cheap :)

Been reading the press about the AMD Ryzen processors with the official release yesterday.

It Will be interesting to see how they perform in real life scenario's/ common games benchmarks. From the press it looks like they could present a good value/performance compared to the i7 processors, But we all know the void between marketing and reality. However it shouldn't be long until we get some cold hard comparisons.

Let's be hopeful too, some decent competition is always good even if it's just to keep intel on there toes/ and or drive Intel pricing down.


If you look at the 1080's pricing, I would say the ti will come in at around £700 and more with the special versions.


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2017
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It's all depends on budget, I imagine they won't be cheap :)

Been reading the press about the AMD Ryzen processors with the official release yesterday.

It Will be interesting to see how they perform in real life scenario's/ common games benchmarks. From the press it looks like they could present a good value/performance compared to the i7 processors, But we all know the void between marketing and reality. However it shouldn't be long until we get some cold hard comparisons.

Let's be hopeful too, some decent competition is always good even if it's just to keep intel on there toes/ and or drive Intel pricing down.

Price wise they are the same or just cheaper then the i7s. If they prove to be of equal quality it's a viable option for me.

If you look at the 1080's pricing, I would say the ti will come in at around £700 and more with the special versions.

700$ for the GPU is unfortunatly a bit above my price range. It's only a student job I have at the moment. So 1200-1300 is the absolute max I want to spend on a PC that's able to stream properly.


Yeh I guess we will find out soon, I mean at the cheapest they would appear would be at the 1080's pricing, and the 1080's move down abit, but I would be surprised this early.
I went for top end 1070 as I couldn't warrant the extra cost for a 1080 at hardly no performance difference, and on average I still have gained huge amount in fps, so all I need to do is upgrade the rest of the system and I'll be very happy again, just hanging on to see what the Ryzen can do, and see if Intel have any plans, I've learnt over the years don't jump to quick you could stitch yourself up when it comes down to a rebuild.


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2017
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Yeh I guess we will find out soon, I mean at the cheapest they would appear would be at the 1080's pricing, and the 1080's move down abit, but I would be surprised this early.
I went for top end 1070 as I couldn't warrant the extra cost for a 1080 at hardly no performance difference, and on average I still have gained huge amount in fps, so all I need to do is upgrade the rest of the system and I'll be very happy again, just hanging on to see what the Ryzen can do, and see if Intel have any plans, I've learnt over the years don't jump to quick you could stitch yourself up when it comes down to a rebuild.

I'll have the funds by the half / end May anyways. So that gives some time to check out what the prices will do, the specifics of the AMD Ryzen and see what the GPU market has in store for gamers. It's a project anyways which can be upgraded whenever a brand comes out with a better part. Just want a solid start, so i7~ performance and a GTX1060-1070 is something that will set me for a while.


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Sep 17, 2016
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PC gaming computers are based around GPU, so every 1 or 2 years you need to buy new one. So Intel i7 (or new Ryzen AMD) with strong motherboard provides very good foundation for years-proof gaming macnihe with just GPU swap over time.
I had my old comp CPU+MBO+RAM+Case 6 years, with GPU change 4 times.
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Alex du Plessis

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Sep 16, 2016
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I have been running a computer for the last 5 years with 2 x GTX660Ti cards connected SLI but only run 1 with PCars and iRacing for some or other reason as soon as I do use both cards I get funny blue wavy lines across the screen. I do not run max settings and am happy with what I get, the only changes I have done is add a couple of 256GB SSD's. Spent more time and effort on the SimRig than anything else and spent a crap load of money on iRacing:eek:


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Sep 17, 2016
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I have been running a computer for the last 5 years with 2 x GTX660Ti cards connected SLI but only run 1 with PCars and iRacing for some or other reason as soon as I do use both cards I get funny blue wavy lines across the screen. I do not run max settings and am happy with what I get, the only changes I have done is add a couple of 256GB SSD's. Spent more time and effort on the SimRig than anything else and spent a crap load of money on iRacing:eek:

Did you try to change SLI Bridge connector?


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Sep 16, 2016
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Look what happens when a overweight case decides to go to fat club :)

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Senior Member
Jan 1, 2017
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So I went looking for a build:
Total price: 1,500
  • MBO: Gigabyte GA Z170X-Gaming 7
  • CPU: I7-7700k
  • GPU: GTX 1070
  • 250GB SSD
  • 2TB HDD
  • RAM: Corsair Vengeance 4x8GB
  • POW: Corsair 650W
  • CASE: Corsair Carbide 100R
Just added 2 weeks of extra work to get that together. Tips to lower cost?


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Sep 16, 2016
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Throw the cost of each item in and it will be easier to figure out where savings can be best made.

On first look there are two items you could change to bring the cost down.

1. Downgrade from i7-7700k to i5-7600k
2. Drop memory from 32gb to 16gb

I don't think for gaming you would notice much difference between a i7-7700k and a i5-7600k, and 32Gb is quite high for memory. you could start with 16GB and grab another 16GB if you really needed it.
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